Omni-cast Premium investment powder
For the casting of precious alloys including high karat palladium white & yellow gold. Whipmix Omni-Cast Premium has been formulated to deal with the most demanding situations, producing excellent results even at the most extreme temperatures. Omni-Cast Premium has optimised thermal expansions, permeability and particle size distribution to enable it to produce the highest quality castings and reproduction of Master Models. Omni-Cast Premium has the highest content of un-mineralised Cristobalite in the Whipmix range. A grade of Cristobalite is specifically manufactured for Omni-Cast Premium at our sister company’s calcining and grinding facility, which ensures that the exact particle size grading required is achieved. Omni-Cast Premium is suitable for all Yellow and White Golds including High Percentage Palladium White Gold. Â
Smooth accurate castingsÂ
Consistent resultsÂ
Dedicated technical support teamÂ
Accredited to ISO 9001Â
Worldwide network of distributorsÂ
Mixing instructions:Â
Burnout procedure:Â

Guaranteed post-sale assistance